Heave-ho for a Good Shanty! | Tynnwch a thynnwch am shanti da!
With the shanty, sailors through the centuries had a trick up their sleeves in how to lighten workloads and pass the time during many isolated months at sea. | Gyda'r sianti, roedd gan morwyr ar hyd y canrifoedd dric er mwyn ysgafnhau llwyth gwaith a phasio'r amser yn ystod misoedd lawer unig ar y môr.
Sea Shanties and Working Songs
Gary Jones explains why a good sea shanty helps lighten the workload at sea. ~ Creator: Ports, Past and Present ~ Date: February 2021Text
Gary Jones sat down with Ports, Past and Present to share his knowledge about songs of the sea. He talks about the difference between ballads and sea shanties and how the latter helped sailors with their backbreaking work as much as contribute to the social life on a sailing ship during extended periods at sea.
Eisteddodd Gary Jones i lawr a Phorthladdoedd Ddoe a Heddiw i rannu ei wybodaeth am ganeuon y môr. Mae'n sôn am y gwahaniaeth rhwng baledi a siantïau môr a sut y gwnaeth y siantïau helpu morwyr gyda'u gwaith, yn ogystal â chyfrannu at fywyd cymdeithasol ar longau hwylio yn ystod mordeithiau hir.