Stories tagged "National Maritime Museum of Ireland": 3
Stained Glass at the Mariners’ Church | Gwydr Lliw yn Eglwys y Morwyr
The fascinating collections of the National Maritime Museum of Ireland are found in the slightly incongruous surroundings of a former Church of Ireland building. The church was originally begun in 1836 and consecrated in 1843, and successive…
The Adventurous Captain Halpin and the SS Great Eastern
Ireland’s National Maritime Museum ishoused, aptly enough, in the old Mariners Church of Dún Laoghaire, Dublin Bay. Built in 1837, the churchhasremained in place despite a town that has changed rapidly around it. The church now has pride of place…
Mariners' Church, Kingstown in the Nineteenth Century
The Mariners’ Church, Kingstown (now Dún Laoghaire) which is today the home of Ireland’s National Maritime Museum was once the principal Church of Ireland in the town. It was a thriving church throughout the nineteenth century with its local…