Mary’s Monologue | Monolog Mair
The tragic torpedo attack of RMS Leinster on the 10th October, 1918, is recorded as the biggest loss of life in the Irish Sea. Out of 813 souls, 569 souls lost their lives. Many of the crew were made up of residents from Holyhead, including Captain Birch himself, who had moved his family to the town as a base from which sail. Compared to their male colleagues though, there were very few female crew members. Tragically, the Holyhead stewardesses onboard, Louisa Parry and Hannah Owen, did not survive the attack, but their Irish chief stewardess, Mary Coffey, ensured she told their heroic story, as they lost their lives in an attempt to save other women and children onboard.
Mae’r ymosodiad torpedo trasig ar yr RMS Leinster ar 10 Hydref 1918 wedi’i gofnodi fel y golled bywydau gwaethaf ym Môr Iwerddon. O'r 813 oedd ar ei bwrdd, cafodd 569 o eneidiau eu colli. Trigolion o Gaergybi oedd llawer o’r criw, gan gynnwys y Capten Birch ei hun, oedd wedi symud ei deulu i'r dref fel canolfan i hwylio ohoni. Ond, o’u cymharu â'u cydweithwyr o ddynion, ychydig iawn o aelodau’r criw oedd yn fenywod. Yn drasig ddigon, wnaeth y ddwy stiwardes o Gaergybi, Louisa Parry a Hannah Owen, ddim goroesi’r ymosodiad. Er hynny, fe ofalodd eu prif stiwardes o Iwerddon, Mary Coffey, ei bod hithau’n adrodd eu stori arwrol, wedi iddyn nhw golli eu bywydau mewn ymgais i achub menywod a phlant eraill.