We'll Keep a Welcome in the Harbour | Croeso Cynnes yn yr Harbwr
On landing in Fishguard, cruise ships receive a special welcome by a group of friendly faces. | Wrth lanio yn Abergwaun, mae llongau mordeithio yn cael croeso arbennig gan grŵp o wynebau cyfeillgar.
Fishguard Friendly Faces
Jana Davidson talks about the kinds of welcome you can expect by the award-winning Fishguard Friendly Faces. ~ Creator: Ports, Past and Present ~ Date: February 2021The First Welcome
Jana Davidson remembers the first welcome event organised by Fishguard Friendly Faces for the MV Corinthian cruise ship. ~ Creator: Ports, Past and Present ~ Date: February 2021Text
The saying goes that you never get a better welcome than at Fishguard. This is entirely down to a group of volunteers who call themselves the Fishguard Friendly Faces.
Jana Davidson sat down with Ports, Past and Present to talk how the award-winning group was set up and what kind of welcome cruise ship visitors can expect on their arrival, in all weathers.
Yn ôl y sôn, mae'r croeso a geir yn Abergwaun yn groeso heb ei ail. Mae hyn o ganlyniad i grŵp o wirfoddolwyr sy'n galw eu hunain yn Wynebau Cyfeillgar Abergwaun.
Bu Jana Davidson yn sôn wrth Borthladdoedd, Ddoe a Heddiw, am y cam o sefydlu'r grŵp sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, a pha fath o groeso y gall ymwelwyr ar longau mordeithio ei ddisgwyl ar ôl cyrraedd, waeth beth fo'r tywydd.