The Curious Case of the Lady's Curse | Hanes Hynod Melltith Boneddiges

One of the leading families in Holyhead's political and cultural life in the nineteenth century were the Stanleys from nearby Penrhos, who in the previous century had married into the local Owen family. This is the story of their last heiress, Margaret Owen. | Un o’r teuluoedd o fri ym mywyd gwleidyddol a diwylliannol Caergybi yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg oedd y Stanleys o ystâd Benrhos gerllaw. Yn y ganrif flaenorol priododd un o'u meibion â merch teulu Owen lleol. Dyma hanes eu haeres olaf, Margaret Owen.



The Curious Case of the Lady's Curse
Gareth Huws tells the story of Margaret Stanley (neé Owen) of Penrhos and the rumours of witchcraft levelled against her. ~ Creator: Ports, Past and Present ~ Date: June 2021
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Gareth Huws sat down with Ports, Past and Present and shared the story of Margaret, Lady Stanley (neé Owen), the last heiress of the Owen family, an old local dynasty who by the mid-eighteenth century had lost much of their political influence and material wealth.

Eisteddodd Gareth Huws gyda Porthladdoedd, Ddoe a Heddiw a rhannodd stori Margaret, y Fonesig Stanley (neé Owen), aeres olaf teulu Owen, sef hen linach leol a oedd erbyn canol y ddeunawfed ganrif wedi colli llawer o'u dylanwad gwleidyddol a'u cyfoeth materol.
